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The Darnel Family Settles Into Their New Home!

Chad Darnel was born into a military family and moved a lot. By the time he graduated high school, he had moved 10 times. Then after moving to Jackson and dealing with the forever-changing rental market, Chad moved another 10 times before meeting his wife Amber.  Amber and her brother grew up in Jackson. Their parents worked and lived in Teton County for over 20 years were also renters–which means moving every year or so. Between the two of them, Chad and Amber had moved over 40 times.

“I guess you can say that for quite some time ‘HOME’ was a cardboard box with your stuff in it ready to be moved” Chad said. “More like a box of memories of the last place you lived. Eventually you stop decorating or reorganizing your room just so it would be easier to take to the next place you move.”

Like many others in Jackson, the two fell in love with the area and it endless landscapes, outdoor playgrounds and sense of community. They sat down together and talk about their ideal wishes for their future family, at the top of both of their list was too able to raise their children in a place they both loved- the place they met, the place they fell in love, and the place they got married- Jackson.  When they decided to start their family here, they knew that the decision would come with a lot of sacrifice.

After exploring their options, the Darnel Family, Chad, Amber, Tucker (3) and Sadie (10 months), applied for an affordable housing through Teton Habitat for Humanity Homeownership program in spring 2018. The family’s unhealthy and hazardous living conditions, including collapsing ceilings, high rent, and depilated housing, was seen as a need for housing by the Teton Habitat for Humanity Selection Committee. After further review the Darnels met the two other selection criteria, ability to pay and willingness to partner and were selected as Habitat Future Homebuyers.

“A HOME, OUR HOME! OUR VERY OWN HOME!  This is OUR house! That’s YOUR room Tucker! That’s YOUR room Sadie! That’s DADDYS GARAGE!” Exclaimed Chad.

The Darnels would finally have place to celebrate true traditions- Trick or Treating, Christmas, ‘Hunny do’ list!

After over 300 hours of sweat equity, 16 Future Homebuyer education courses, and other hurdles, the Darnel Family purchased their home on August 8th, 2019. Through the Teton Habitat Home Buyer Program, they were able to purchase their home at a 0% interest mortgage for 30 years.  Many friends and family member, volunteer and supporters came out to celebrate the successes of the family! If you live in East Jackson, you may even see Tucker and Sadie playing at the park down the street!

Building strength, stability, and self-reliance! Habitat for Humanity of the Greater Teton Area (Teton Habitat) | 307-734-0828 850 W. Broadway | P.O.Box 4194 Jackson Hole, WY 83001 Facebook: ReStore Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:

NOTICE: The federal Equal Credit Opportunity Act prohibits creditors from discriminating against credit applicants on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age (provided the applicant has the capacity to enter into a binding contract): because all or part of the applicant's income derives from any public assistance program: or because the applicant has in good faith exercised any right under the Consumer Credit Protection Act. The federal agency that administers compliance with this law concerning this creditor is Federal Trade Commission, Washington D.C, 20580.

Phone: 1-800-676-3777 Voice/TTY or 

1-800-676-4290 for Spanish

Habitat for Humanity of the Greater Teton Area

does not offer short-term housing, rental housing, or immediate occupancy.

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9am - 5pm

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Habitat for Humanity of

the Greater Teton Area

P.O. Box 4194

Jackson, WY 83001


EIN: 83-0312179



850 W Broadway Suite D

in the Grand Teton Plaza

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9am - 5pm


10am - 5pm

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9am - 4pm


10am - 4pm

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in the Grand Teton Plaza

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