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Finding Peace: A 25-Year Teton County Resident’s Journey to Homeownership

Updated: Dec 13, 2023

Miriam Espejel is a mom, a pharmacy technician, and a 25 year resident of the Tetons. Her family loves enjoying the outdoors, “We love the mountains and nature in general. Hiking, biking and skiing are things we enjoy doing when we can!”

Before the family was accepted into the Teton Habitat program, life was challenging for the single mom, “Life was a lot more stressful, we struggled to find a place to live, the high cost of rent meant we struggled to pay rent and our other bills. Life was more challenging in general,” said Miriam. “I felt like it would be impossible to own a home.”

“I reached out to Teton Habitat because I thought Teton Habitat could help me find a safe and peaceful home for me and my 2 kids.”

Miriam and her children were selected in 2007 for a habitat home. “We have had peace of mind knowing that we do not have to struggle to look for a place to live, like we did in the past. We have been lucky to be able to stay in beautiful Jackson Hole. Our lives are secure now. Housing is everything, especially in Jackson with the housing crisis. We are very blessed and fortunate to have that security and peace of mind owning a home provides.”

Like all Habitat homeowners, Miriam participated in homeowner education and completed 500 hours of “sweat equity.” Working on the jobsite, “It was wonderful seeing great people come together to make my dream come true.” Miriam is grateful for Teton Habitat because it provides a path to stability and homeownership that is out of reach for many families living and working in Teton County. “Habitat helps provide housing so we can have a stable, local workforce.”

It is through donations that we can build truly affordable homes for families like the Espejels, and it is through the help of our volunteers that these homes become a reality. You can donate directly to Teton Habitat HERE, or Volunteer HERE.

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